

 Over this course I’ve how to properly construct an essay. I learned how to use a draft to help you create a perfect essay.  I’ve also learned life lessons about how to plan your future so that when you get there you aren’t unprepared for what you want to do with your life


 Today we continued working on our final project. I am on the power point part and I just started. This project gave me an opportunity to learn more about what requirements you need to be an entrepreneur, and what you need to do as an entrepreneur to succeed. I am confident that I will get a good grade on my final and I am aiming for anything over 90


 Today we continued working on our final project. We went over tuition cost of Clark Atlanta University as an example of college tuition and life outside of high school. I learned that the cost of college can inflate to nearly 200k from different fees suck as living, food, books, and outher resources.


 Today we continued the book called the color purple. We read 5 letters which talked about how harpo was soft and how Sofia was the man in the relationship. Harpo wanted to beat Sofia how Mr. would beat celie, but Sofia ended up beating Harpo which led harpo to realize that Sofia was a different type of woman mentally and physically.


 Today we started reading the book,”The color purple.” It is a book that is an Epistolary novel, which means it is written in a series of letters. The first letter described how the main character Celie was raped. It was really intense and the way she described everything was unexpected. We’ve read letters, and so far I like it. Based off of the first 7 pages I am interested to see how it intensifies as the story progresses.

Write when you knew something was over or had just begun

In 5th grade i began learning about the reproductive system and puberty. I learned the effects it would have on me when It starts and how I would know when it starts. During the summer after 6th grade year, I woke up one day and noticed my voice sounded different. I didn't think anything of it until when i would talk around my family they would notice the same thing. i began to grow body hair and started to have acne. I kept thinking that it was just random and would go away. I started to notice that I had started puberty when I grew 3 inches over that summer. The begining of puberty was a fun experience because you see yourself develop into a young adult.

Write about something you are certain of

 one thing I am certain of is that I will start a family and be there for them. Having a dad and a family taught me that when I grow up and start my own family I have to protect them and be there for them at all times. Being a father isn't easy and leaving is very easy. Getting to where you want to be in life is never going to be easy, but instead it will be obstacles that test you to see how tough you are and If you are willing to make sacrifices to get to where you want to be. Starting my own family is something I have looked forward to since middle school, and I am certain that I will do that.