
Showing posts from February, 2022


 Today we took a test over three play fences. I feel like I did good as far as the multiple choice part. The constructed response part wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be but I think I did decent on that part too. It was confusing because the numbers were out of order.


 Today we went over ethos logos and pathos. Logos is evidence based on logic, ethos is believability in the speaker, and pathos is evidence designed to stir the emotion of the audience. We looked at pictures and discussed if they were ethos logos and pathos and why. We also talked about the earth and if it was round or not.


 Today, we continued our testing from yesterday. To me it wasn’t that hard until it got to the typed responses. But I think I did good besides that.


 Today we continued the play fences. We talked about how Cory is interested in football but Troy wants him to focus on his work at the A&P because back then playing football especially as a black person was rare. Cory also felt as if Troy never liked him, but Troy explains that he is preparing him for the world ahead of him and trying to make Cory’s life better than his.


 As a garbage collector u encounter a lot of valuable and weird stuff. Where you work can have a positive and negative affect on you. working as a garbage collector boost your smell senses because you smell trash all day. Being a trash collector may sound like a bad job until you look at the pay. You can make up to 100k a year being a garbage collector or even more with overtime. I do this job because it is a simple job that helps me make a lot of money.


 Today we started going over a play called fences, and we talked about how metaphorical fences and real fences can be good and bad for you. One reason fences are good are because they keep you away from certain people or things metaphorically and literally.  One way fences are bad are because they can keep you away from good people you may need in your life because your previous experience was bad.