
Showing posts from April, 2022


 Today we started reading the book,”The color purple.” It is a book that is an Epistolary novel, which means it is written in a series of letters. The first letter described how the main character Celie was raped. It was really intense and the way she described everything was unexpected. We’ve read letters, and so far I like it. Based off of the first 7 pages I am interested to see how it intensifies as the story progresses.

Write when you knew something was over or had just begun

In 5th grade i began learning about the reproductive system and puberty. I learned the effects it would have on me when It starts and how I would know when it starts. During the summer after 6th grade year, I woke up one day and noticed my voice sounded different. I didn't think anything of it until when i would talk around my family they would notice the same thing. i began to grow body hair and started to have acne. I kept thinking that it was just random and would go away. I started to notice that I had started puberty when I grew 3 inches over that summer. The begining of puberty was a fun experience because you see yourself develop into a young adult.

Write about something you are certain of

 one thing I am certain of is that I will start a family and be there for them. Having a dad and a family taught me that when I grow up and start my own family I have to protect them and be there for them at all times. Being a father isn't easy and leaving is very easy. Getting to where you want to be in life is never going to be easy, but instead it will be obstacles that test you to see how tough you are and If you are willing to make sacrifices to get to where you want to be. Starting my own family is something I have looked forward to since middle school, and I am certain that I will do that.

Write about having no fun at all

 Normaly i try to spend my time doing things that are fun and entertaining so i can keep myself from becoming bored. Even though there are rare times where i haven't had any fun at all, one time Me and my family went to Florida for summer vacation for a week. On the second day of being there, we went to a science museum. The whole time we were at the museum i had no fun at all. I felt like i was on a school field trip the whole time. We looked at different experiments and watched a documentary. On the bright side the rest of the trip was fun for me.

Write about a gift not well recieved

On chistmas I would always go for the gifts that were shaped like a box, and would avoid gift bags and soft boxes becuas recieving gifts as a kid was something I never wanted. One of my Cousins in new York sent me a gift for christmas. When I saw the box it was a soft box and I knew there would be clothes in it. When my mom gave me the box to open it, I had to put on a fake smile and pretended I liked the gift when really I didn't care for it. As I grew up I began to like clothes gifts more than other gifts because christmas becomes less exciting because of the fact that you aren't a kid anymore and you don't have to ask for toys anymore but instead for things you actually need.

Write about a secret being revealed

 Secrets are the most common thing in schools. Telling the wrong person can resut in people you don't want to know finding out and spreading it to other people. In 4th grade there was a group of girls that would always hang out with each other. One of the girls told a person in my friend group that she secretly didn't like one of the girls in her friend group. The person in my friend group told us what she heard but told us not to say anything. A girl in our friend group told one of her friends but told her friend not to say anything. The next day at school, everybody had found out about the secret she told us, which led to the girl in her friend group finding out and it resulted in a them arguing and ending their friendship.

Write about what you used to know how to do

When i was 6, I would play soccer with mydad in the yard. I would never beat my dad because he used to play when he was in highschool, but i never quit. Each time we would play I would keep getting better. Eventually I beat my dad when i was 8. Since then I grew out of soccer and grew into basketball. When my older cousin joined the soccer team in high school, i would go to the field with him and play. After 4 years I tried to play soccer and i was really bad at it. i couldn't handle the ball, or make a goal. i decided since then to give up on trying to get back into soccer because i completely forgot how to play it.

write about a time where you knew you were in trouble

 Growing up, I barely got in trouble in school until I was in 8th grade. My 8th grade year was one of the worst, because i would get in trouble atleast 3 times a week. One day we were in science, and i was on my phone while the teacher was teaching. My middle school was strict about not having phones out during the lesson and even though i knew this I had it out anyway. The teacher looked away from the board and at the class, and saw me on my phone and took it. Because it was the 6th time a teacher took my phon, they kept it overnight until the next day. it was a friday which meant i wouldn't get it back til monday. When i asked my parents if they could get it after school was over they said no because I kept getting in trouble. So knowing this I went into the teachers desk and took my phone back without anyone knowing. My teacher texted my parents telling them I took my phone back even though I wasn't supposed to and my parents took my phone for a week.

Write about something you have too much of.

Something that I have too much of is phone cases. Everytime i buy a new phone case I like it for a few days, and then after that I get bored of it and look for a new one. I have 20 phone cases right now and most of them i don't even use. Im trying to develop a better habbit of using what I have instead of getting someting new everytime. i got this from my sister, because when we were younger she had atleast 30 phone cases most of them she didn't even use, and i started to develop that bad habbit with her.

Write about something/ someone being born

 On April 7,2016 my niece was born. I was excited because she would be my first niece/nephew. Beingthe youngest, I never got to experience being a big brother. The closest iv'e ever got to that was being and older cousin. At first, my niece didn't want to come out. It took three days from my sister being in the hospital to my niece being born. When we heard the news that she had finally came, we rushed to the hospital to see her. When i first got to hold her i was nervous, because i've never held a baby before and i didn't know what to do. As time went on and as she got older I got better at taking care of her like she was the younger sibling I never had.

Write about a time where you dressed inapropriately for the occasion.

 When i was younger, every Sunday i would go to church early in the morning. Normally i would wear a dress shirt and dress pants with a tie. On this Sunday, i woke up really late for church, and my mom was waiting for me in the car. The previous night i washed my clothe for church but never got around to ironing them, and I didn't have time. So I went in my drawer and threw on anything Icould find which was sweatpants, and a long sleeve shirt with crocs. When I came out the house my mom wasn't happy but had no choice but to let me go how i was because we were already late.


 Today I stayed home because I sprained my ankle and couldn’t walk.


 today we practiced for the EOC. We read a short passage and answered 5 questions related to them. I got a 3 out of 5 because I didn’t use the process of elimination. We started the second passage which was a passage that explained why self driving cars are good for the environment, and the second passage we are starting tomorrow explains why self driving cars are against the environment.


 Today Mr.Reese wasn't here, so I caught up on some of my missing assignment. I have 5 missing aassignment and i can complete them by the end of the week. My grade is a 73 right now, and I am trying to finish with atleast a 85 before we have to take the EOC so im not on the edge of having a failing grade.